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A Message From Mike Barrett - Middletown Valley Blog

A Message From Mike Barrett

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The holiday season is upon us, and we reflect on the past year and those who have helped to shape our business – our residents. We value each and every one of you and would like to express our tremendous gratitude for your ongoing support. We know that selecting where you live is a choice and we are humbled that you chose to make a Van Metre community the place you call home.

In 2021, the pandemic has, yet again, dominated our day to day life. We’ve all had to adapt to a “new normal,” although what that looks like is different for every person. We know 2021 has been difficult, but we are looking forward to a brighter new year – 2022. A year filled with hope and possibilities!

Thank you for your continued loyalty and trust in us. Kick back and relax in your Van Metre home, have a well-deserved rest, and let every day of the holiday season be filled with joy.

From our family at Van Metre to yours, Happy Holidays!


Mike Barrett

Group President, Investment Properties

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